Outings offered to Veterans

Bill Block - 2/15/2023


1.     BC 40 Hunts Colorado           https://bc40hunts.org/             970-250-2858


2.     Challenge the Outdoors          www.ctoforme.org                  ctoforme@yahoo.com


3.     Fishing has No Boundaries     www.fhnbinc.org                    800-243-3462


4.     Hero Hunts                              www.herohunts.org                337-718-2481


5.     Heroes Hunt for Vets              www.heroeshuntforvets.org            920-583-0616


6.     Horicon Marsh Hunt               https://horiconmarshww.com/ 920-948-5362


7.     Jeep Sullivan Outdoors           https://jeepsullivan.com            jeep@jeepsullivan.com


8.     Take a Vet Fishing                  www.takeavetfishing.org            413-367-8387


9.     USSA Group                           https://childwish.org               715-884-2256


WI Vet Fish Camp                  https://wivetfishcamp.wordpress.com/